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      Events — Drones

      Lessons to be learnt in the SA Drone Industry

      Lessons to be learnt in the SA Drone Industry

      Written by David Davies

      The South African drone space is certainly an exciting industry for many South Africans. Almost every industry requires some form of drone technology from mining, agriculture to construction to name the most popular.

      At Action Gear we have the pleasure of being at the forefront of the drone industry, from being an authorized DJI reseller and repair centre we’ve watched this industry grow and slowly take shape. Certainly the biggest debate at the moment are the current drone laws in South Africa & the need to have RPL’s, ASL and ROCs. There’s certainly a loss of signal between the South African Civil Aviation, drone hobbyists and commercial drone companies. It's been rumored that the laws will be changing soon in the upcoming months to accommodate all users and help grow this new sector. It's also critical for end users to understand the verticals they servicing and how to pull actionable data for clients. Many of our customers who purchase drones believe they now surveying specialists.

      With all this opportunity and lack of knowledge in the drone industry, it's critical for up and coming South African players to attend conferences such DroneCon this coming June. With updates on the SA regulations, understanding how to interpret data into actionable product & learning from the South African experts, the Drone Conference for Professionals will be key to your understanding and positioning in the drone industry.

      Book now to learn more!

      Email us for more information and booking.