Our Predictions On The DJI Mavic (+ Teaser Video)
[Updated 27 Sept '16] It has since been launched. Here's a quick overview & why we think it rocks!
By Vhengani Emmanuel Mudzielwana
As days crawl to DJI's big announcement, we all grow our anticipation levels on what's really coming up from the company. Rumours of the DJI Mavic grows bigger by the day, a number of leaked pictures and a teaser video are already circulating around the net leaving the drone communities around the world drooling.

From just the pictures it is quite clear that the Mavic may be a pretty cold blow to the Karma (GoPro's answer to cameras in the sky), the Mavic appears to host a list of technical advances taken from the silk and intelligent Phantom 4, underneath the rumoured craft is a well lined Binocular sonic and vision sensors, and on the nose of the craft a set of front obstacle avoidance which will of cause help in assisting the drone to lend considerably smooth and we hope that the craft will have an increased distance and reaction time, together with the reaction speed when avoiding the obstacles.
The battery life of the Mavic is still a mystery to us as well, though the leaked pictures have the battery's mAh reading to just a little over 3000 which is not the best of things battery concerned that DJI can do, yet with the Mavic being a compact and smaller unit compared the the big boys like the Phantom series and the Inspire 1 series, it may actually give us a considerable flight time compared to the drones that are in its size.

The teaser video (see it below) that DJI released just a few days ago can only leave you marveled when you think of the agility and reaction speed of the drone, as always with a company like DJI trying to keep its throne in the drone industry, the best is what we look for.
The Mavic also has one of the best features according to me of course, and protected 2 axis(rumoured of course) gimbal foldable propellers and arms for when you need to pack it compactly so, the top mounted battery for that quick assemble and disassemble which will the best thing ever (finally a drone from DJI that may fit in your backpack).
What are some of your predictions? Comment below!