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      News — joburg2kili

      Joburg2Kili Featured On Sam Cowen’s 702/Cape Talk Radio Show

      Joburg2Kili Featured On Sam Cowen’s 702/Cape Talk Radio Show

      This past weekend we were very excited to have the Joburg2Kili expedition mentioned on Sam Cowen’s Weekend Breakfast Show on 702 Talk Radio and CapeTalk

      David Katz (@MrActiveSA) who is a freelance journalist/producer and health & fitness coach chatted to Sam Cowen about the expedition, climbing Kilimanjaro and most importantly about our chosen charity Qhubeka. If you missed out on the discussion, you can listen to it by clicking here (courtesy of Newsclip).

      Interview With Jon Gericke On Safm 105.1 [Podcast]

      Interview With Jon Gericke On Safm 105.1 [Podcast]

      Joburg2Kili expedition cyclists Warrick and Camilla Kernes and Gareth Pickering were recently interviewed by Jon Gericke (@bbjsportguy) on the SAfm Sports Special in-between the SA vs Ireland rugby match (which thankfully the Bokke won!).

      Thank you to SAfm for sharing our expedition with your listeners to help spread the word about our initiative. If you missed out on the interview, you can listen by clicking on the links below (courtesy of Newsclip):

      Listen to the Podcasts here.

      We Have A 3rd Cyclist!!

      We Have A 3rd Cyclist!!

      It’s funny to see people reactions when we tell them that we’re cycling 4,630km up Africa on single speed bikes. Some say “you’re mad!”, some say “I wish I could join you!” and then there’s Gareth Pickering who simply said: “Can I come?”

      Gareth has spent the last few years travelling the world and fighting for his freedom as you can read about on his website ( He was about to head off back to South East Asia when he heard about the Joburg2Kili expedition and it took him no time at all to decide that he wanted to join in. We’re thrilled to have another seasoned traveler on the team (Bobby Fuller has traveled most of the world too!) and another crazy person who’s willing to take on the challenge of cycling a 23kg single speed Qhubeka Buffalo bike thousands of kilometers for a good cause.

      Welcome to the team Gareth! As you’ve already bought your bike there’s no backing out now ;)

      Please support Gareth and the rest of the team by donating to Qhubeka today.


      Interview On Cliff Central [Podcast]

      Interview On Cliff Central [Podcast]

      By Cam "Cambo" Kernes

      "Warrick Kernes and his wife Camilla join Arye Kellman on Cliff Central to talk about what they’ve set their sights on. The pair are embarking on the most incredible journey on the 30th of July 2016, to raise money for the Qhubeka charity. They will be cycling from Johannesburg to Moshi, Tanzania – covering 4630km over a 10-week period. The couple then plan to climb Mount Kilimanjaro once they reach Tanzania!"

      Thanks to the professional team at Society PR for setting up this interview!

      Listen to the Cliff Central podcast here.